In the unlikely event that you are not completely happy with your item, we will happily accept the return if it is within the 30 day returns period. The item should be returned to Pure Night clean and unworn with the original tags and packaging.
Please respect the item being returned with the same respect that the item has been sent to you, as a small business the item will have to be in a resalable condition.
You can use any delivery company or courier but the return postage must be paid by you. If you use Royal Mail and buy the postage online, you can arrange a free of charge collection.
If no postage has been paid at posting we will pay the postage and the admin fee imposed by Royal Mail but this will be deducted from your final refund.
All refunds will be paid back to the original payment method and the outward postage will not refunded and deducted from the refund amount. I.E. Nightdress was £29.99 and postage £3.25 only the £29.99 will be refunded.
Please keep your proof of posting receipt until we have acknowledged receipt of your items. The item is your responsibility until it is received by Pure Night and any losses must be claimed by yourself.
If in the unlikely event that your return is not approved a member of staff will contact you directly to explain the reason for disapproval.